Pay By Credit Card or Pay Pal For Golfers
(Also scroll down on this page to see description of Eagle & Birdie Packages):
Golfer Options: Sponsorship Options: $500-$10,000:
Individual Golfer $350.00 USD Hole Sponsorship $500
Foursome Group $1,300.00 USD Bronze Sponsorship $1000
Birdie Package $2,500.00 USD Silver Sponsorship $2500
Eagle Package $3,500.00 USD Gold Sponsorship $5000
Platinum Sponsorship $10000
Birdie Pkg. - $2,500.00 - (Includes a foursome, a Corporate Bronze Sponsorship and a Hole Sponsorship at this event)
Eagle Pkg. - $3,500.00 - (Includes a foursome, a Corporate Silver Sponsorship and a Hole Sponsorship at this event)
Donation Options: $25 - $500
Please Note the Following Instructions are to Email or Mail In your Registration Form:
1. Complete all sections of registration form and save as a MS Word document, then mail, email or fax
2. Select payment option (cardholder’s signature is required if paying by credit card)
To email this form:
Complete all applicable steps as mentioned above, then:
1. Open the saved file
2. Click FILE, select SEND or SEND To, and then select MAIL RECIPIENT or PAGE BY EMAIL. Your default email program will appear, simply Email to:
Jeff Richter or Joe Grignoli
JRichter@americanrivergroup.com WHOHgolf@gmail.com
(631) 396-6816 tel. (516) 426-8885 tel.
(631) 396-6801 fax (631) 396-6801 fax